
This is the program we help vulnerable children with food pack such as maize, mealie meals and cooking food them.
We have been running this program since or-ganization was registered and this program it is runs on monthly basis whenever we have re-ceive donations from our well-wishers and from membership subscription fees.

Help A Child Project is the program were we help vulnerable children with school materials, shoes, clothes and blankets. We run this project at Maambo Primary School and Maofa Community School in Pemba district southern province of Zambia.

To reduce malnutrition in children from 0-59 months through using available recipes in the community.
Under this project we provides Vitamin A sup-plementary among the children and pregnant mothers.
The Main objectives for this project :-
1. To promote health eating habits malnourished children from 0-59 months and ex-clusive breastfeeding.
2. To impact nutrition through cooking demonstration etc.

This is the project were we donates wheelchairs, clothes, food stuffs, school materials etc.to our different abled friends for those who are vulnerable.
Save A Girl Child Future

The main focus for this project is to encourage a girl child to go school, As the organization we support girls with school materials, sanitary pads.
Also we sensitize the community about the dan-gers of early pregnancies and marriages.
Green Innovation Center

Green Innovation Center it is the project under environmental protection department of our organ-ization. The main focus of this project is to sensi-tize and education the community about the cli-mate change which is affective the world and the danger of cutting down of trees also we encour-age the community to use other source of energy than depending on charcoal for cooking which is the major contributor to climate change because most trees has been cut down and this has brought soil erosion, drought and floods which affecting farmers, domestic animals and wild animals.
Under green innovation center project we do refor-estation, forestation and also we have nursery pro-ject for trees for both fruits and for forest our aim is to make Zambia green and the world at large.

Everyone deserve access to clean and safe drink-ing water regardless of his or her status In society.
In this 21st century Many Zambian people are still sharing water with animals.
Our Organization is advocating for access to clean and safe drinking water. Since the organization was registered in 2021 we have manage to drill a borehole for community in Maambo ward of pem-ba district of Zambia.
Our Plan is to drill atleast 10 boreholes in 4 dis-tricts by 2027.